New Book Found at Davenport High School
Every parent, grandparent or citizen needs to check and seee if this is in your school district.
Thank you to Karen England from Capital Resource for bringing this book to our attention, and for posting the video in this post showing exactly how dangerous this book is for minor children to have access to without parental knowledge. We found this book at Davenport Hight School in Polk County, Florida. It's also in Hillsborough County. Check your school district to see if your minor child has access to this. The book is called "Trans+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You" and was written in 2019. Authored by Kathryn Gonzales and Karen Rayne PhD (Sex Educator), Illustrated by Anne Passchier. The real problem with this book is the extremely graphic images the QR codes in the book take the reader. There is video below. you can see some of the content in the book here:
From Karen England’s Instagram post: ⚠️We share this video with the warning that it contains obscenity and pornographic images, but we believe it is vitally important for parents to truly understand what the public school system is trying to do to our children.⚠️
Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) recently uncovered a book, titled Trans+, that is available in school libraries across the country. In an effort to unveil the agenda that this book represents, CRI simply opened the cover and recorded the contents.
The mere depiction of the words and graphics is so sexually explicit that the video elicited an immediate ban on YouTube!
Below is that YouTube video CRI created to show parents exactly what their children are being exposed to at school.
After viewing the irrefutable evidence, every parent should demand that this book, and others like it, be removed immediately from school libraries. Schools must cease using curriculum and books that include QR codes, as they are being used to expose our children to pornographic materials.
The American Library Association (ALA), sponsors of the recent Banned Books Week, are behind this push to endorse and promote pornography to children. They proudly urge schools to display obscene books and encourage students to read them.
Those in power will attempt to bully, shame, and silence you to maintain the status quo to keep obscene material on library shelves, but you must remain vigilant. You have a right and a responsibility to demand that YOUR public school remove this material. Keep up the fight! #porininschools #bookban #mamabear #bannedbooksweek
Karen England’s video can be seen at
This book is currently only at Davenport High School, which seems to have almost every questionable book we find in it’s media center. One has to wonder who is making the purchasing decisions for that school.
Please share with other concerned citizens, parents and grandparents.
Contact your Polk County School Board members at
Dr. William Allen, District 1 Phone: 863-546-8141 Email:
Lori Cunningham, District 2 Phone: 863-534-0529 Email:
Rick Nolte, District 3 Phone: 863-534-0529 Email:
Sara Beth (Reynolds) Wyatt, District 4 Phone: 863-604-2023 Email:
Kay Fields, District 5 Phone: 863-802-5483 Email:
Justin Sharpless, District 6 Phone: 863-534-0529 Email:
Lisa Miller, District 7 Phone: 863-698-6240 Email:
All board members receive physical mail at : P.O. Box 391, Bartow, FL 33831